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Juan Love

Status: 52 year old male seeking romance or friendship
Location: Purley, Greater London
Member: NF019730
Height: n/a

Please forgive the profile name. Couldn''t think of a good one and a silly thought popped into my head. That often happens.

I work for an educational charity promoting physical and spiritual wellbeing. It''s work I enjoy, and I am fortunate to feel that I have a vocation, though I am constantly learning that we are human beings first and higher ideals mustn''t lead us to overlook that.

I just finished an MA in Renaissance studies.I wrote about paintings of visionary experiences in Golden Age Spanish paintings. That tells you something about my interests. I have been a meditator (Buddhist) for many years. The arts and ideas are important to me.

I am on the introverted and intuitive end of the spectrum. (Myers Briggs told me so). i need some solitude to gain energy, though much of my life is spent in very public and communal situations. Rewarding days for me might involve visits to art galleries, or exploring the countryside on bicycle or foot. I have been walking stretches of the Camino de Santiago over the last couple of years, and hope to complete it this year. The contemplativeness of a long walk is something I value.

I''ve never married, though my relationships have tended to be long- term. temperamentally I prefer fewer and deeper friendships over a multitude of superficial ones.

Here I''m looking to broaden my familiar circle and to meet someone new. I''d hope we''d walk and talk and discover some intimacy through which we both might grow.

Don''t be afraid to get in touch if any of this chimes with you.

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